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Reliving Every Moment As If It Was The First.

Friday, September 21, 2007


As he slows down his car to a standstill, he sighs in relief. He was finally home. After a long day out, it was finally a place of comfort for him to lift his feet and just relax. Stretching, a yawn escapes him as he scratches his tired head and grabs his belongings. With a twist of the key, the engine dies and he steps out of the car. Upon locking it, he heads towards the front entrance and opens it.

"Hmm.. something just isn't right." he thinks to himself.

Alas it was true, it was utter silence that echoed towards him. Even on a hot Friday afternoon, with the sun still high in the sky, there was stillness in the air. Nothing could be heard. The birds weren't singing their melodies and the cars seemed too distant to be heard. Strangely enough, his dogs were nowhere to be found. He owned 3 of them. Same breed. Not being too sure as to what they were, he was satisfied anyways of the pleasures they gave him. He used to run around with them as they chase and play catch. The can even fetch too.
The eldest of them all was "The Big Boy" as he names it. He was the leader of the 3. Siblings they were. Strong and muscular, with the bite that clamps down so rapidly, one would not even notice it till it's too late. He was big but sadly.. slow and lazy. Not exactly the smartest of them all either. Blur and innocent, this doggie is just a gentle giant.
Next in line was a female. "The Little One" she was named. This was lean and mean. She seems harmless and is very much friendly to everyone but she was a true genius. The escape artist one would say if one seen what she could achieve. Nothing can tie her down. She was a genius. Einstein of dogs I supposed. Once, knowing that the neighborhood hated them dumb dogs running around freely. The family realized that with the lead of this little dog, the others learnt how to squeese through the gates at the front. Upon knowing this knowledge, action was taken and wires were put up to block the bottom part of the gate. They were young puppies at that time, barely reaching 3 feet. Apparently, the female was a daredevil, smart too. She then devised a plan to rip a little part of the wires as a foothold. The help of the other two was needed but soon, they could be seen climbing up the wires and gate.. out they went again. The most brilliant move was how this one canine could actually learn how to free her young brother from being bounded with a leash. One has to see to believe it.
Finally, the youngest - "Little Boy". He was a speedster. Small and yet powerful. He was the adventurous one. Once he escapes from the boundaries of home, he races away to the ends of the neighborhood. God knows what he does there. But yes, that's what he does.
Anyway, it was all too strange for him as he walks into the house not seeing even one of them. Soon, a yawn could be heard as the eldest of them all stretches his aching bones and looks up at it's owner, tongue falling out with drool dripping to the floor. "One down, two more to go." As that memory flashes by, the youngest darted into the house through the gates not stopping for even a hearbeat of a second.. Still, one was still nowhere to be found.
After asking around and enquiring from his family, he finds out the truth. The female canine was sent to the vet. She wasn't feeling well and had to be sent there. He noticed the differences in it recently. It was always lying around. Tired out and restless. Sickly it looked but he didn't give much thought to it. "Bah, must be cause of all the running it did", he think as he brushes that thought off his shoulder. Now it was obvious. He recalls the whines of grief and pain in the night. It was just his imagination he supposed. It really occured.. With that, he strodes on thinking so very much of what could possibly be happening to his dear lil dog.

"It might not be able to survive", says the vet.

Yet, he hopes for the best as he awaits the return of his dear pup... Soon, it would come the time where it would come back. Fit and in the pink of health..

P.S. A shoutout to my dear "Little One". Please people, pray for my dog... :S

"Let the waves of love and happiness wash over you.."

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